The treatment is straightforward and takes around up to 90 minutes. Your face will be mapped out by our Experts, targeting your areas of concern.
Ultrasound gel will then be applied, and the treatment will start. You will feel the heat and a mild tingling sensation as the device is moved over the skin.
It can feel like a hot elastic band on your skin, and should only be minimally uncomfortable. Your expert can go slowly and reduce the intensity if you feel any discomfort.
There are no side effects to this treatment other than slight tenderness in the area treated for a week after. Rarely mild puffiness can be reported as new collagen is forming, but there is no down-time.
You can resume normal activities directly after the procedure. You will see results straight away after a single treatment, but then your face will continue to improve and evolve with tightening over the next few months.
With any HIFU treatment, we recommend Radio Frequency skin tightening and CACI Jowl Lift, along with a follow-up HIFU Consultation to check in on your results.