HIFU Non-Surgical Face Lift

Hifu non surgical face lift

What is HIFU Treatment?

HIFU stands for 'High Intensity Focused Ultrasound'. This treatment can target various depths of the body’s tissue for skin tightening, skin lifting and body contouring.

Entirely non-invasive, HIFU works by targeting deep layers in the skin – it boosts new collagen production and collagen regeneration right at the source.

It is sometimes called the ‘Lunchtime Face Lift’ as the treatment is quick, very tolerable and has no downtime.

What is HIFU Treatment for Face?

HIFU Treatment for Face works as a non-invasive face lift. It tightens the skin, irons out wrinkles, shrinks pores, targets the ‘V’ line formation and Jowl lines. HIFU improves overall skin tone, pores, brightness and elasticity.

Does HIFU Treatment hurt?

Our HIFU device offers faster shot speeds and shorter intervals between each shot, this means it’s more comfortable. Some people describe it as feeling like tiny electric pulses, or a prickly sensation. It’s not pain free but it’s completely tolerable and it may feel different on different areas of your face or body.

How many HIFU sessions do you need?

Just one session per year!

Our newest technology has blown us away by the results we are achieving!

After just one treatment, most clients see noticeable results post-procedure, and the results continue to get better over time for up to 6 months as the collagen production gets to work.

This makes HIFU an incredibly long-lasting treatment that does not require regular top-ups or repeat treatments.

The HIFU therapy is unique and its ability to improve the results over time may vary, particularly around the 6-month period.

It is the perfect alternative to a proper face lift without the downtime.

How should you prepare for your HIFU Face treatment?

Avoid direct sun exposure or the use of sunbeds at least 2 weeks before a HIFU treatment.

Avoid using Retinol (Vitamin A) 7 days prior to your treatment.

If you are on antibiotics, you may have to stop your medication if you are considering taking the HIFU skin treatment. Certain medications like antibiotics may make your skin become more photosensitive.
In this case, you may be required to postpone your treatment for 2 weeks until after the completion of antibiotics treatment.

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On the day of treatment...

It is important that on the day of the treatment, all make-up and moisturiser are avoided.

We advise you arrive up to 15 minutes early for your HIFU appointment to relax in the Reception area before going into your treatment room. Anxiety can affect how painful you find the treatment so we advise allowing some time to relax beforehand will benefit you.

HIFU Aftercare

It is important for clients who have undergone HIFU skin treatment to understand how to care for their bodies after the treatment in order to optimize results.

Avoid the sun after your HIFU skin treatment. It is important to try and avoid exposure to direct sunlight in order to help prevent hyperpigmentation and reduce the chance of sunburn and skin damage.

Wear a minimum of SPF 30. This should be continued until the skin tightening process is completed.

Don't Scratch Your Skin, sometimes after a HIFU treatment the skin can feel tight and itchy! We strongly advise to refrain from scratching the skin.

By using a cooling Aloe Vera Gel. This will help calm and soothe the skin. This can be applied as often as you like.

Don't Have Hot Showers or Baths on the day of the HIFU Treatment. Use lukewarm water rather than hot on the day of the treatment.

Is HIFU safe?

HIFU is very safe, and the treatments are carried out by highly trained Experts who have had one to one training with the Machine's Manufacturer.

The equipment we use within the clinic has been approved by the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) as a medical-grade device. In our opinion, this is the best in the industry offering the most painless and effective results.

There’s no downtime, no incisions, no scarring and no rest or recovery time needed. As the device is highly focused, it only treats the areas of concern, enhancing your natural beauty and features.

What should I expect from my treatment?

The treatment is straightforward and takes around up to 90 minutes. Your face will be mapped out by our Experts, targeting your areas of concern.

Ultrasound gel will then be applied, and the treatment will start. You will feel the heat and a mild tingling sensation as the device is moved over the skin.

It can feel like a hot elastic band on your skin, and should only be minimally uncomfortable. Your expert can go slowly and reduce the intensity if you feel any discomfort.

There are no side effects to this treatment other than slight tenderness in the area treated for a week after. Rarely mild puffiness can be reported as new collagen is forming, but there is no down-time.

You can resume normal activities directly after the procedure. You will see results straight away after a single treatment, but then your face will continue to improve and evolve with tightening over the next few months.

With any HIFU treatment, we offer a Free CACI Jowl Lift 12 weeks post treatment, along with a followup HIFU Consultation.

Client Reviews

Hear from our client Angela, six months after her first HIFU treatment...

Treatment List

Treatment Price
HIFU – Consultation and Patch Test
HIFU – Face and Neck
  • Forehead Frown Lines
  • Eyebrows
  • Crow’s Feet
  • Cheeks
  • Double Chin
  • Sagging Neck
HIFU – Face
  • Forehead Frown Lines
  • Eyebrows
  • Crow’s Feet
  • Cheeks
  • Double Chin
HIFU – Neck
  • Double Chin
  • Sagging Neck